When a couple adopts a child they may wonder if they have the same rights as a biological parent. The experience of adopting a child shows parents firsthand what termination of parental rights really means as they typically witness the process of termination of the biological parent’s rights.
If you are thinking about a legal dispute, you are probably thinking of the case being resolved in a court room. However, most cases are resolved before a trial ever occurs, either through a settlement or alternate dispute resolution (ADR).
If you are going through a divorce, you will need many documents. Divorce involves many important legal determinations, including how to divide your property, how much support should be awarded, and who will receive custody of the children.
Divorce can be overwhelming, stressful, and emotionally draining. In spite of this, it is vital to stay organized and inventory your financial situation. This will help you to avoid common financial mistakes people make during divorce and secure your financial future.