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The Basics of Arizona Prenuptial Agreements

Posted On November 29, 2021 In Divorce

Prenuptial agreements are beneficial to many couples entering a marriage. These contracts establish each partner’s property rights and financial responsibilities during marriage and in the event of a divorce or death.

What Should I Do If My Spouse Refuses to Sign Divorce Papers?

Posted On November 22, 2021 In Divorce

Not all spouses are willing to agree to a divorce. This does not mean you cannot proceed without their consent or signature. The following offers an overview of divorce without spousal consent in Arizona.

Residency Requirements for an Arizona Divorce

Posted On September 20, 2021 In Divorce

The legal term for divorce in Arizona is a dissolution of marriage. Arizona is a no-fault divorce state, meaning spouses do not need to state specific reasons or grounds when requesting a dissolution of marriage.

Can I Stop Paying Child Support If I Can’t See My Kids?

Posted On September 13, 2021 In Child Support

Child visitation and support are two separate issues in the court’s eyes, although parents sometimes withhold one to gain the other. If the custodial parent of your children is keeping you from seeing your children, ceasing child support is not the best way to resolve the problem.