It is incredibly important to establish the parentage of a child. Not only does this help the parents involved, but it is beneficial for the child as well. In Arizona, establishing the parentage of a child can be done by either voluntary acknowledgment of paternity or through genetic testing.
Arizona has specific laws that address custodial interference. Custodial interference is when one parent knowingly acts contrary to a parenting plan or against the legal rights of the child’s other parent or lawful custodian.
Child support can continue upon the death of the custodial or non-custodial parent. It is prudent to take steps ahead of time to ensure this is the case for both your peace of mind and the financial well-being of your child.
Arizona is one of nine community property states in the United States. This means that in Arizona, property is held equally between the spouses in a marriage. During a divorce, the court will attempt to divide any marital property as equitably or fairly as possible.