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family law & divorce attorneys
working hard for you.


How to find hidden assets in your divorce

Posted On June 8, 2020 In High Asset Divorce

Hidden assets are a common issue in a divorce situation, but they do not have to be a problem in yours. In some cases, hiding assets is one spouse’s way of trying to walk away with more from the property division portion of the divorce.

Dividing your family business in a divorce

Posted On May 27, 2020 In High Asset Divorce

Many married couples start businesses together and may find that collaborating at work and at home brings them closer together. For some couples, however, the stress of being together professionally and personally may contribute to challenges in their marriage.

Motion to settle custody case by sword fight dismissed as absurd

Posted On May 22, 2020 In Child Custody

It goes without saying that child custody disputes can easily become contentious. As many people in Gilbert know, contention can often cause a person to act against their better judgment. Sadly, sometimes those actions result in violence; in other instances, simply saying something that one should not. 

How do gender expectations contribute to divorce myths?

Posted On May 1, 2020 In Firm News

Despite great strides made toward gender equality in recent decades, many people still have persistent ideas about the roles that men and women play in relationships. Without realizing it on a conscious level, you may automatically assume that a wife’s role is to care for the house and family and a man’s role is to support the household financially.