Parents who separate or divorce and share minor children generally must stay involved with each other until their children reach the age of majority. When a parental relationship dissolves, the parties may work together or go to court to settle how they will contribute to the welfare and development of their children.
The rights of unmarried fathers have often been compromised when it comes to their involvement in the day-to-day lives of their children. In recent times, however, fathers’ rights have evolved and that has led to the “tender years’ doctrine” of yesteryears-which said that a mother should have custody of a young child-taking a back seat.
Marriage can be tough, and when the challenges of legal relationships become too much, some Arizona residents decide to go through the divorce process. A divorce breaks the bonds that unite two lives together and allows them to resume their separate existences.
Alimony can be a long-term legal commitment that exists between two people who were formerly married. In Arizona, both men and women can be ordered to pay alimony to their exes, and those alimony payments can take on different forms and can last for different amounts of time.