Although alimony may be ordered for the duration of the recipient’s life, many Arizona spousal maintenance awards terminate long before the individual who receives their former spouse’s money pass away. Exactly when an agreement or order for alimony will end will depend upon the terms of the document that controls the post-divorce relationship.
Without the financial support of their parents, Arizona children would struggle to have their most basic needs met. They may go without enough food or may live without protective shelters around them.
It is not uncommon for an Arizona resident to spend years of their life laboring away at important work that may never yield a paycheck. They may take a lead role in raising their children, and they may take on the heavy responsibility of managing a family home while their spouse works to support them and their dependents with an income.
There are many factors that Arizona courts evaluate when determining alimony, also known as spousal support or maintenance. In particular, courts look at the finances of the parties to decide if one will be financially disadvantaged by the divorce.