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family law & divorce attorneys
working hard for you.


What happens if I outlive my ex who pays me alimony?

Posted On April 6, 2018 In Alimony

The financial support that a Phoenix resident receives from their former spouse can be an important part of the income they need to survive. If the payer of alimony passes on before the recipient, the recipient can be left in a difficult situation wherein they must still go on living but potentially without the money they need.

Child’s best interests may lead to father gaining custody

Posted On March 30, 2018 In Fathers' Rights

There is a traditional notion throughout the country that women are the better caregivers to their children than men. This may stem from the common past practices of husbands working outside of the home while wives stayed with the couple’s kids and attended to their daily needs.

Get case-specific answers to individual child support questions

Posted On March 22, 2018 In Child Support

To the casual observer, Arizona state laws may seem clear and specific. What is stated in the statutes should be applied to all cases that fall under the particular areas of legislation in question for different legal cases.

Does remarriage end an alimony obligation?

Posted On March 15, 2018 In Alimony

Divorce is a relatively common occurrence in the lives of Arizona residents, and some individuals who choose to end their marriages decide later on that they would like to remarry for a second or even third time.