Professional and attentive
family law & divorce attorneys
working hard for you.


A divorce should not result in financial suffering

Posted On February 8, 2018 In Alimony

While some people may believe that deciding to divorce is an easy choice, for many it is a difficult process that requires them to weigh a number of personal factors and options.

Can I move if I share physical custody of my child?

Posted On February 2, 2018 In Child Custody

It is not uncommon for Arizona residents to change jobs over the course of their careers. In fact, some individuals may even change industries or occupational paths that take them on very different courses of life.

Ways a man may be proven to be a child’s father

Posted On January 25, 2018 In Fathers' Rights

Although their relationships do not always last, men and women who reside in Arizona bring children into the world that they must raise and care for until the children are no longer dependents.

Circumstances that may lead to an award of alimony

Posted On January 17, 2018 In Alimony

Not every divorce that occurs in the courts of Arizona will end with an award of alimony to one of the parties. In fact, in many cases the parties to a divorce may emerge from the legal process with their careers intact and sufficient assets on which to support themselves.