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Understanding eligibility for child support

Posted On May 24, 2018 In Child Support

Children in Arizona have the right to receive financial support from both of their parents. As such, if their parents are divorced or do not share a home, then one of those parents may be required to provide the child with child support.

Can child support money be used to pay the rent?

Posted On April 27, 2018 In Child Support

There is a wide range of expenses to which child support payments may be applied. Individuals in Phoenix who have case-specific questions about how child support is being used in their familial situations should bring their concerns up with their family law attorneys.

Get case-specific answers to individual child support questions

Posted On March 22, 2018 In Child Support

To the casual observer, Arizona state laws may seem clear and specific. What is stated in the statutes should be applied to all cases that fall under the particular areas of legislation in question for different legal cases.

Notices must be provided before child support enforcement occurs

Posted On March 2, 2018 In Child Support

A parent who has fallen behind on their child support obligation may be aware that they are failing to meet the terms of their child support agreement or order. While many Arizona parents are able to stay current on the sums that they owe to their children, others through either inability or unwillingness miss payments and leave themselves open to the enforcement efforts of the state.