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How Long Do I Have to Pay Spousal Support in Arizona?

Posted On August 12, 2021 In Divorce

One of the most contested topics in any divorce is spousal support. While many divorce issues are settled without the court’s help, spousal support is often left for the court to decide.

How to Determine the Value of Possessions in a Divorce

Posted On April 8, 2021 In Divorce

Arizona is one of nine community property states in the United States.  This means that in Arizona, property is held equally between the spouses in a marriage.  During a divorce, the court will attempt to divide any marital property as equitably or fairly as possible. 

What is an Invalid Marriage?

Posted On March 8, 2021 In Divorce

The State of Arizona considers some marriages valid and others invalid.  An invalid marriage is one the state will not or may not recognize as a legal union.  

How do you know if your marriage is valid or invalid?