Divorce is rarely easy, and an amicable divorce isn’t always an attainable goal. The majority of divorces in Arizona have at least some degree of contention over the separation of marital assets, child custody, or one spouse seeking spousal support from the other.
Everyone expects the best when they walk down the aisle surrounded by flowers, family, and friends, but sometimes life’s path takes a turn away from the marital journey and spouses find themselves moving in separate directions.
Going through a divorce is always distressing, but sometimes a bad situation becomes even worse when your spouse or other parties invade your privacy during this sensitive time. Between personal matters becoming the subject of public records and the possibility of a contentious spouse accessing information and accounts to undermine your desired outcome in the divorce, it may feel like your life is no longer your own.
Changing your last name after a divorce can help begin the clean start you’ve been waiting for throughout the legal challenges and distress of the divorce process. Though you don’t have to change your last name after divorcing, and some women who share children with an ex-spouse keep their married name in order to have the same last name as their children, many others choose to return to their maiden names.