Divorce can be overwhelming, stressful, and emotionally draining. In spite of this, it is vital to stay organized and inventory your financial situation. This will help you to avoid common financial mistakes people make during divorce and secure your financial future.
Dividing marital debt in an Arizona divorce can be complicated. But what if you think certain obligations belong solely to your spouse? Arizona law may not agree.
Arizona is a Community Property StateArizona is a community property state meaning that any assets and debts acquired during a marriage belong to both spouses and should be divided as such between the two.
In Arizona, a Rule 69 Agreement is a family law agreement available to parties in divorce and child custody cases. The Agreement allows parties to settle all or some of their issues on their own and leave only those matters on which they cannot agree to be decided by the family court.
Arizona is a community property state. Spouses share equal rights to marital income, real property, and financial information. Community property laws apply to all property acquired by either spouse during the marriage, with the exception of designated separate property of the spouses.