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family law & divorce attorneys
working hard for you.


Social demographics play a role in changing divorce rate

Posted On October 4, 2018 In High Asset Divorce

It is an often-noted statistic that around one out of every two American marriages ends in divorce. That is to say, about half of all couples who choose to marry will eventually end up in divorce court, sorting out the ends of their relationships.

Asset valuation is an important part of an Arizona divorce

Posted On August 23, 2018 In High Asset Divorce

When the partners choose to end their marriage in divorce, their assets and possessions will be subject to division based on the state’s community property laws. Community property is one way that property may be classified as marital or separate, and then split between the partners to an ending marriage.

Divorce not about winning but ensuring strongest future possible

Posted On August 13, 2018 In High Asset Divorce

The prospect of divorce is something that may put those involved in a highly emotional state for many different reasons. The investment that all parties put in from both an emotional and financial perspective can make the process feel as if everything is on the line.

Dividing retirement accounts in Arizona

Posted On June 6, 2018 In High Asset Divorce

Although many people enjoy their jobs and find meaning in going to work each day, for most a career is simply a path to retirement and financial freedom. Arizona residents hope that if they work hard and save some of what they earn that eventually they will have enough to live off of and to carry them through the ends of the lives.