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When Is It Time to Get a Divorce Lawyer?

Posted On September 12, 2023 In Divorce,Marriage

Everyone expects the best when they walk down the aisle surrounded by flowers, family, and friends, but sometimes life’s path takes a turn away from the marital journey and spouses find themselves moving in separate directions. Still, deciding to file for divorce is one of life’s most serious decisions, often more serious than the original decision to marry, because now there may be children involved, years of combined assets, and one home to separate into two. Whether you’re still working on your marriage and have hopes for reconciliation, or you’ve decided you’d both be happier apart and it’s time to move on, you may be wondering, “When is the right time to get a divorce lawyer?”

How Do You Know When a Marriage Is Over?

No two marriages are the same and neither are the circumstances that become the deciding factor that divorce is inevitable. If you aren’t sure if your marriage is salvageable but you still have hope, and the idea of divorce fills you with a deep sense of loss, you should take time to work on the marriage. See a counselor together as a couple, go on a marriage retreat, and try your best to recapture your love by renewing the romance that brought you together in the first place.

On the other hand, if you’ve begun to feel like you’re never going to be happy together, you’ve drifted too far apart, or you feel like you’re in danger of losing your core being if you stay, then it might be time to speak to a Chandler divorce attorney.

Common Signs That a Marriage is Beyond Repair

No one can tell someone else when it’s time to get a divorce attorney, but some of the following signs may mean it’s time to move on from the marriage:

  • You and your spouse have stopped arguing altogether and now live in silence and avoidance
  • You’re no longer intimate or even companions for each other but have remained together only for the kids
  • You cannot trust your spouse because they have a history of cheating and lying
  • Conversely, if you’ve cheated or strongly considered cheating on your spouse because you have strong feelings for someone else
  • If your spouse has a serious addiction and refuses to seek help
  • If you feel unsafe with your spouse, have been the victim of domestic violence, or feel like your self-esteem has been damaged due to verbal abuse or controlling behavior

The above six signs that it’s time to move forward on separate paths strongly indicate that it’s time to seek the advice of a divorce attorney. There may be steps you wish to take before filing a petition for divorce. Your attorney can tell you the best way to move forward, including determining who will remain in the family home, how to open your own bank account without appearing to hide assets, and how to apply for temporary orders for child support, child custody, and spousal support if required. Temporary orders remain in place during the divorce process until you and your spouse agree on permanent orders or a judge decides for you.

Do I Really Need a Lawyer for My Divorce?

Divorce is a complex process. If you and your spouse can agree to part amicably and are fully prepared to craft your own divorce settlement agreement on all issues including the equitable distribution of your marital assets, parenting time, child support, and spousal maintenance (alimony), then it’s possible to proceed without a lawyer. However, not only is it rare for divorcing spouses to agree to terms on all issues, but navigating the process usually works far better with the guidance of an experienced divorce lawyer. A Chandler family law attorney can also diligently handle all legal paperwork and manage the legal aspects of filing motions and representing your interests.

In the majority of divorces, spouses become contentious on one or more issues and the matter must be resolved with the help of attorneys, mediation, and sometimes arguing in court.

Finally, if your spouse has hired a divorce lawyer and you’ve received the divorce petition, you are the respondent in the divorce and should set up a consultation with a divorce attorney as soon as possible.